jueves, 25 de septiembre de 2014

(vi) Tents and shelter. Hidden costs in humanitarian aid and emergency. THERMAL ISOLATION.

What is the purpose of a flysheet in a tent? (Second function)

As I said before, a flysheet in a tent is supposed to offer thermal isolation for the users, but it is really hard to find a tent that has a flysheet capable to meet this expected function.

The main reason is that to make it possible to create a thermal isolation it is needed to have a physical barrier between inner fabric, the body, and outer one, the flysheet.

The purpose is that the air surrounding the tent finds something between outer side and the interior, capable of reducing the thermal transmission, in cold weather avoiding inner air being as cold as outer one and in hot weather avoiding inner air being as hot as outer one.

In architecture and construction, in a simplified manner, there have been historically three main ways to reach this goal: first very effective way was to make a thick barrier, sometimes even one meter wide; second way adopted, not so effectively, was to reduce this thick walls in order to save money in the house building substituting it with lighter materials and using inner layers of isolation materials and leaving some space for creating an air barrier, and finally it was discovered that one third effective way to create a chamber of air in movement, between inner air and outer air, keeping this air chamber between two layers of material. This is the effect known as ‘ventilated façade’.

The ventilated façade works as follows:

When the sun shines, the air inside the chamber is heated and it starts to flow to upper areas. As the hot air goes up, fresh air occupies the space abandoned by hot air, bringing fresh air inside the air chamber, if the hot air has an escape way to flow to the atmosphere, this movement becomes continuous and the flow of air avoids the inner air inside the tent getting hotter.

The outer layer that creates the outer closing side of the barrier also avoids the sun to impact directly on the inner body and helps also, in this way, to reduce the inner temperature.

The air barrier between outer layer and inner layer creates a difference, a gradient, of temperatures, keeping the interior fresh.

When the weather is cold outside, the same effect is produced. But with some differences: If the hottest air is not allowed to escape the air chamber, the air inside the chamber maintains a higher temperature than interior and avoids the interior to lose temperature. In this way, the air inside the chamber is a barrier that avoids inner air to cool too much.

When we analyze most tents in the market, we can easily find that the immense majority of tents have a flabby flysheet (those which have one) that is not capable to be tightly separated from inner body, even many of them commonly touch frequently the inner layer. This kind of flysheets are not capable of keeping an air chamber functioning.

Thermally isolated tent CtentsTo have a real air chamber capable of producing thermal isolation it is needed to have inner and outer layer permanently separated. Otherwise, the free circulation of the air inside the chamber would be obstructed and the air chamber wouldn’t work.

To have a tight flysheet separated of the inner layer and to keep both layers stretched permanently it is not an easy task. Ctents is a tent that shows that it is possible to create a ventilated façade effect for a tent.

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miércoles, 17 de septiembre de 2014

(v) Tents and shelter. Hidden costs in humanitarian aid and emergency. PROTECTION OF USERS.

What is the purpose of a flysheet in a tent?

A flysheet in a tent has a double function:

1) Protect the inner body of the tent of being directly exposed to the inclement weather.
2) Offer thermal isolation for the users.

First function is the most known one, but it is really hard to find a tent that has a flysheet capable to meet the second. In spite of that, quite a few tents do not satisfy well at all the first.

Why not? 

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The reason is very simple: A flysheet is like a roof in a house. Can any of us imagine a roof in house that is not well fixed and that does not maintain its shape when the wind blows or rain, hail or snow falls? Of course not!, nobody would think in building a house where the roof can easily move, making waves and forming pockets where the water can accumulate and produce leakages in the interior.

This appears to be obvious for a house, but, why it is not so for a tent?

It is common to find tents that have a flysheet that works more or less well when it rains... not intensely, but it is very easy also to find many tents that have a so called flysheet that easily get loose when the wind blows or the rain drops heavily, and it is quite difficult to find many capable of standing well a hailstorm. In fact, in these cases, this piece of fabric cannot be called properly a ‘flysheet’, but just a ‘second fabric layer over the tent’ with mostly a psychological function for users.

To have a flysheet in these tents working effectively it is necessary that users keep themselves very aware of weather, in order to quickly readjust the tensors of the flysheet as soon it is not stretched enough and also they have to be very careful to avoid touching inner layer as they could connect the inner to the outer layer provoking a leakage. In fact it is not very comfortable to go camping and to have to suffer these unpleasant jobs in the middle of the storm instead of feeling protected inside.

To put things clear: In order to have a flysheet that really performs its first function, it has to keep stretched tight under inclement weather conditions (when it is really expected to perform its function), but traditional constructive solutions for tents do not solve this problem without the careful monitoring of the users, ready to tight the guy-ropes and tensors when the flysheet begins getting too loose.
Robust all weather tent Ctents
To solve this question the trick is going back to the concept; to understand well what this piece of fabric is intended for, and then, to design it in such a way that really works as expected. Without human intervention!

Otherwise we, as designers and manufacturers, will not be offering to the users what they need: A reliable tent that takes care of them when the weather is not an ally.

Next week I will talk about the forgotten one by most of the manufacturers, the second function of a flysheet.

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